Today, Michelin stars go beyond the function of an award that becomes the reliable standard to evaluate the quality of the restaurant, the skills of the chef.
As technology grows, it will be time for many jobs to be transferred to working machines because human productivity cannot be compared.
The giant Titanic has entered history and fame since its sinking in 1912. Earlier the Titanic was honored throughout the world as the largest ship of its time. The event is
As President, every year, on his birthday, Uncle Ho often goes to work or visits some places to avoid troublesome and expensive rituals. There are years, on the occasion of the
The strange lobster named Larry in a restaurant in New York, USA is red like being cooked, a color that is rarer than blue.
Scientists are working on a project to simulate Mars-flying missions in Hawaii (USA), or HI-SEAS for short, to find the best dishes for astronauts coming to Mars. This project has