Videos shot by divers reveal that octopuses can cover their gills, blind their eyes or even sacrifice their arms in an effort to deal with calendar fish many times larger.
Freshwater fish are fish species that live primarily in freshwater environments, such as rivers and lakes, with salinity less than 0.05%. Below is a list of popular freshwater fish
Despite being able to get out of the stomach, the snake eel still cannot escape the rib cage in the body of predators and eventually becomes a mummy.
With 850 volts in an electric charge, the newly discovered eel at Amazon can make its prey die without understanding what is happening. This new finding will be of great help in
On May 14, British fishermen on a fishing boat called
Not only is the monstrous shape, these fishes are also extremely dangerous with strong venom, sharp teeth or horrible blood-sucking ability ...
An international research group on sound of deep-sea fish species recently discovered that eels use several muscle groups to produce sound that plays an important role in male
The freshwater aquatic monsters possess much smaller sizes than the aquatic monsters that live in the ocean but their scary level is not inferior at all. These freshwater fishes
When cultivating the field, farmers in Vinh Long caught a gold eel weighing 800g, nearly 1 meter long, which is considered rare.
The scientific name of this species is named Oriental eel (Chlopsis orientalis Tighe, Hibino & Nguyen). The name of the species is placed according to the collection location of