A study recently released on Wednesday found that dozens of very popular electronic cigarette products are now infected with bacterial and fungal toxins that cause lung disease.

Foreign travel is a great experience. But it will be disastrous if you step into another country without knowing anything about the rules and regulations there.

An electronic cigarette works with the battery and releases the evaporated nicotine dose for the user to inhale. It gives a similar feeling when inhaling tobacco smoke but not by

Vape and e-cig (electronic cigarettes), although being considered as an alternative to cigarettes, cannot be more perfect, but are still controversial about its safety.

According to Fortune, in a report on July 28, the FDA said it planned

In carcinogens, the sun is a clear agent, and there are many things that pose a potential cancer risk without your knowledge.

More than 75% of the 51 electronic cigarette oils contain Diacetyl, a very dangerous chemical that causes many types of human respiratory diseases such as obstructive pneumonia,

Japanese scientists have warned about e-cigarettes containing 10 times more carcinogenic agents than regular cigarettes.

Research shows that nicotine-containing e-cigarettes can cause users to switch to taking heavier drugs, even cocaine.

Recently researchers from the University of California, Riverside, have discovered harmful elements in the composition of electronic cigarettes.