The Voyager 1 space probe (NASA) successfully launched the inactive propulsion kit for 40 years, according to New Atlas.
The NASA's Space Opportunity probe (NASA) has officially set a new record of the distance traveled on the surface of an extraterrestrial planet.
Scientists have just added new discoveries about Mercury, the closest planet to the Sun but also contain the most mysteries for humans.
China will launch the first division into space to start building its own space station later this year, according to Xinhua.
The Lunar Reconaissance Orbiter (LRO) probe from NASA has for the first time captured images of the dark side of the Moon with a resolution 100 times higher than ...
The Odyssey probe of the US Space Agency (NASA) set a new record with the longest-running mission of Mars. Until December 20, the Odyssey flew around the orbit of the red planet
The US Aeronautics and Aeronautics Agency (NASA) has plans to launch a solar detector the size of a solar-powered car in 2018.
British scientists say about 3 billion years ago on Mars may have existed many lakes.
The US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) has been planning to rescue the autonomous ship on Mars, after it has sunk into the sand for more than half a year.
The trail of Apollo landing on the Moon, the image of the 9/11 shoot from the universe, is the most beautiful cosmic science images in the past week according to the evaluation of