Besides harmful bacteria such as bacteria that cause typhoid, diarrhea, ... there are beneficial bacteria that help protect people.
Experts recommend that lazy hand washing will cause harmful bacteria to become more rooted and harmful to the human body.
Recently, Laval University in Quebec City (Canada) published a new study in the Journal of US Infection Control, confirming that bacteria can proliferate and develop on paper
The Paper led the results of a microbiologist's investigation showing that a large number of bacteria exist on carefully polished beards may be even more dirty than the toilet.
Latgart Ruskin, a scientist at the University of Michigan at Ann-Arbor (USA), says water filtration removes harmful bacteria and beneficial microorganisms.
Studies at the University of Minnesota have discovered a natural preservative produced by a harmless bacterium, when added to foods that can kill harmful bacteria such as
When flies land on food, most of us have a habit of banishing it ... eating it again. But in fact, it is the most wrong act of your life.