Flies land on the cake and you continue to eat? Believe me you will never dare to do that anymore

When flies land on food, most of us have a habit of banishing it . eating it again. But in fact, it is the most wrong act of your life.

The hot summer is back, when the most unpleasant creatures in the world start to flourish. That is the fly.

Along with mosquitoes, flies are the most hated insects. They fluttered around, and were made to give a speed up to . light, making us unable to do anything. More importantly, the flies love to pluck into the delicious plates of food that you prepare to fill your stomach.

Picture 1 of Flies land on the cake and you continue to eat?  Believe me you will never dare to do that anymore

And the question is: When flies fly into food, what do you do? Most of us will just drive them away . eat more. However, if you know what they have done just in the moment of landing on food, you will find that eating is the most misleading action of your life.

Why? Because the fly itself contains at least 200 types of harmful bacteria , even 10 times the number of cockroaches. These bacteria come from things that flies often eat, including garbage, stinking food, and . animal droppings.

You know, on the limbs of the fly there are thousands of tiny hairs. This leads to just a little exposure, almost all of the bacteria have spread to your food.

Picture 2 of Flies land on the cake and you continue to eat?  Believe me you will never dare to do that anymore

"Flies need only a few seconds of contact with food to be enough for the number of bacteria from the worst things in the world to turn into the food you are about to eat ." - Ron Harrison, an entomologist at the Orkin Disease Control Center, said.

" Among the bacteria that have dangerous pathogens like cholera, dysentery, typhoid . So, maybe you need to rethink about continuing to eat what the flies touched. "

Not to mention, bacteria are not the only things the flies pass through. Harrison said, just in the moment the fly touched the food, they . vomited up there. The reason is that because flies cannot chew, they vomit a special digestive enzyme, which helps break down food for easier digestion.

Picture 3 of Flies land on the cake and you continue to eat?  Believe me you will never dare to do that anymore

This action is a pure nature of the fly, but do you want to eat the "offspring" of the planet's most horrifying creature? You must have answered!