Testing of ultra-high speed boats, head implants, milk-making without cows ... are the most anticipated scientific and technological events in 2017, according to CNN.
The secret to getting rich, mysterious about aliens, tombs seeing dead people in the US, history on March 8 ... is the most interesting news for readers in the past week.
Head implants, aliens dead planets, the truth about black holes, the mystery of dark energy ... are the most viewed news in the past week.
That is a very controversial method, many doctors believe that the implementation of spinal cord transplantation is not impossible to mention transplanting a human head into a new
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In the laboratory in Harbin, Professor Xiaoping Ren stood up after 10 hours to bend over the operating table, proudly watching the black mouse with a new brown head.
An American company makes virtual reality systems that help early transplant patients familiarize themselves with body movement after the surgery is completed.