In 1926, world-bestselling author Agatha Christie disappeared for 11 days, opening one of the world's most mysterious disappearances.
According to the local tradition, Mount Nyangani is a sacred place and inhabited by the spirits of their ancestors.
Having a life of desires, the man left the place and married a new wife. People thought that he died until the truth was revealed.
Blanche Monnier is a beautiful lady with a beautiful appearance in the 19th century. She and her noble family live in Poitiers, France, just 4 hours from Paris.
After so many events, many mysterious things happened, today, the Bermuda triangle secret has been brought to light by scientists, with clear, concrete scientific evidence.
The missing cases hurt the analysts and there is still no answer.
Despite the efforts of archaeologists and historians, the collapse of some civilizations in human history is still unknown.
Bermuda is a geographic area located between the state of Florida, the US, the island of Puerto Rico and the island nation of Bermuda.
Everyone must once have a strange feeling, or
The 130m long Kobenhavn, the tall mast near the mysterious 20-storey building in 1928 while on its journey to Australia. This is the world's largest sailing ship of the time, and