In the vast universe, countless galaxies and planets intertwine with mysterious puzzles, the most fascinating of which are the curvature of space and parallel universes.
Just like the movie 'The Twilight Zone', a team of NASA scientists working on Antarctica has discovered evidence of a parallel universe - where physical rules are completely
Theoretical physicist Sean Carroll of the California Institute of Technology believes that every major event has many possible outcomes, separating the world into different
Have you ever wondered why your little one hasn't appeared at the present time (On a DeLoran powered Plutonium for example!) To visit you? Is it because the future of the Earth
According to physicist Stephen Hawking, a black hole has a door that takes matter to a parallel universe rather than being swallowed up as we thought.
In this final work, Professor Hawking predicts that the universe will really end when stars run out of energy.
Parallel universes may sound like a concept in sci-fi movies, and basically have nothing to do with modern physics.
The cosmic black hole can be interpreted as a zero-time zone with tremendous gravitational force, enough to twist the light.
Multi-universe is a hypothesis that has been long established by scientists, but to prove it is not easy.
Have you ever remembered very well about an incident that happened but in fact it never existed. Because your memory is not good or is there any other mysterious cause?