With extraordinary stamina, many animals are not at risk of destruction by radiation and can continue to grow even if there is a nuclear war.

Parasitic wasps store eggs and protect young offspring in the gallbladder. Thanks to that, the growing young will be safe until the green silk appears and break into their house.

During a field trip to the rattan forest in Ecuador, Professor Scott Shaw of Wyoming University (USA), Laramie and colleagues discovered 24 new wasps.

Scientists have discovered a new wasp in Thailand. It's called Cystomastacoides kiddo, named after the character Beatrix Kiddo in Kill Bill.

The fact that the other child eats the other is a law of the natural world. But the animals' killing methods below are brutal.

The researchers found parasitic wasps in the fly pupae fossils 35 million years in France, for example, rare fossils in fossils.

The excellent images below are the most notable scientific and medical achievements in 2015. For many too small specimens, by super modern technology, people can only admire them