Solar power has the potential to solve many of the inefficiencies of traditional agriculture, such as the need for large amounts of water, fertilizer, and land to grow crops.
The Madrid City Council plans to add a delicious mango scent to the asphalt-mixed crushed stone mixture instead of the usual asphalt smell.
After 17 years, project
Trees absorb carbon dioxide, and restoring degraded forests or planting young trees to increase forest cover is a tool in the fight against climate change.
The author of the study also said: planting right now so that the trees can grow, so that it can help us later.
A great wall is being formed, but they don't separate any territory. Exactly, they are the savior of Africa.
Planting flowers from potatoes, surely you do not believe. Normally, referring to potatoes, surely people will think of fried and fried dishes. But besides being a food source
A medical surveillance agency in the UK has just issued a controversial statement: Contrary to popular belief, cities in cities can make air quality worse.
A successful American implant man can produce 40 types of fruits including apricot, plum, peach, nuts or cherry.
Trees in a large glass jar are still growing normally even though their owners have sealed their vials for more than 40 years.