Archaeologists discover that the brain may be the oldest ever discovered, preserved in mud in the UK for 2,600 years.

During excavation at Thanh Den (Me Linh district, Hanoi), the excavation team found a lot of grain and scorched rice on the soil floor dating back 3,000 years.

After more than 10 days, the grains of rice revealed from the soil layer dating back to 3,000 have grown into seedlings. The largest tree has a height of 15 cm and has no unusual

On the morning of May 26, hundreds of grains of burnt rice on the soil floor dating back 3,000 years continue to be found by the excavation team at Thanh Den relic site (Me Linh,

After 2 years of implementation, the Institute of Chemistry has successfully researched and manufactured modified atmospheric packaging films (referred to as MAP films for high

This technology is applied in vegetable processing workshops or it can be applied at household level.

A new type of technology that helps preserve fresh spinach throughout the month has been successfully applied by the Department of Preservation and Processing (under the Vietnam

If food is improperly stored, consumers may become ill or die from food poisoning, according to research conducted by the University of California University of California

Spinach is a delicious and nutritious vegetable. Proper storage will significantly increase the nutritional value of vegetables.

Mastering some methods of preserving vegetables can help housewives not to go to the market during winter days but still ensure nutrition for their families.