In Vietnam, due to heavy rainfall, a very large number of rivers and streams have been created, up to about 2,360 large and small rivers and canals.

This blood-stained river is essentially an extremely serious environmental accident.

There is a group of people, who are farmers, who grow rice and grow potatoes all year round, and become natural hunters of treasure in the river ...

Scientists have identified two main groups that cause coastal damage due to climate change-related hazards, namely: Disasters such as erosion, accretion, and channel changes. ,

According to information of Lao Cai Hydrological Station, the water level of the Red River on March 16 measured 75.6cm, 0.58cm lower than the previous day, the lowest level for

Enhancing resistance, resilience to climate change of the Red River Delta Biosphere Reserve, contributing to ensuring harmony between conservation and development through

Red river water is in danger of no longer pink. Research over the years has shown that the sediment content of this river is decreasing, causing unpredictable environmental

About 5 years ago, people living on the banks of the Red River in Lao Cai City have to live together with the pollution of the legendary river.

Down the Red River a few more kilometers, the water appears with water, precipitate, and colors like five-colored clouds ...

In the afternoon of September 6, the Environmental Police Department (Phu Tho Provincial Police Department) raided and caught Pangrim Neotex Co., Ltd. based in Ben Got, Viet Tri