A recent study shows that people who receive organ transplants can change their personalities in ways

A group of Italian researchers discovered the earliest evidence of foot transplant surgery in a 14th-century painting, showing the doctors' ambitions more than 1,500 years ago.

Dr. Thomas Starzl, a pioneer in the field of liver transplantation, died at the age of 90.

An American company makes virtual reality systems that help early transplant patients familiarize themselves with body movement after the surgery is completed.

Researchers claim to have found a new stem cell therapy, which can help people re-grow lost limbs or parts like lizards.

Previously, a transplanted kidney from an HIV patient to another HIV patient was performed in South Africa and it has also been shown to save lives of transplant recipients.

Dr Oxley is also proud to say that the device will limit the risk of infection of electronic chip surgery surgeries in the brain because the brain is completely free of cutlery.

The current list of parts that can be created in the lab has heart, larynx, brain and kidney tissue.

Today, we talked a lot about antibiotic resistance, when drugs are losing their effectiveness in treating bacterial infections.