Lack of sleep, stress, grief, and trauma can make the brain more susceptible to hallucinations, due to the behavior of the sensory cortex and the wrong frontal lobe.
Nails grow faster than toenails because they are more likely to be hit and receive more nutrients because they are located near the heart.
Historically, medieval knights have often been described as courageous and loyal heroes who can fight to death without fear or regret.
Many people believe that the bigger their memory is, the worse they can remember everything. However, in reality, they cannot remember everything ...
Bruising is a popular way of referring to relatively minor software injuries, not causing much skin damage; Tendons, muscles and bones have not been significantly affected.
Whether the finger of a child when broken can grow again or not and this happens?
By injecting the blood of young mice into older mice, scientists at the University of Toronto found that their ability to heal bones would be many times faster than normal.
American scientists have succeeded in developing a type of tissue that has a three-dimensional structure of the mouse brain and can live in the lab for more than two months.
Although emotions are a form of strength and an integral part of life, they can have a significant impact on health - especially negative emotions.
According to a study published in the American Journal of Neurology, ever having a serious head injury combined with pesticide exposure may be associated with a high risk of