In childhood, almost all of us used to seek treasure. The thrilling details of the process of finding treasures often appear in the dreams of children.

Israeli divers announced the discovery of treasure with many works of art in the Roman ship sunk 1,600 years ago.

A British shipwreck excavation company cooperated with the Omani Ministry of Cultural Heritage to salvage many of the wrecks of the ship 500 years ago in Arab waters.

The Egyptian Tourism Minister revealed the room that researchers found in King Tutankhamun's tomb filled with treasures, marking a concussion discovery of the 21st century.

Called the honeycomb tomb, archaeologists did not find any of them.

Until now, there were many times the divers accidentally discovered ancient treasures filled with precious gold coins with high historical value in the giant ocean.

The Atntikythera is like the ancient Titanic, carrying the oldest astronomical clock on Earth, and many precious treasures.

A group of divers discover treasures of coins and jewelry worth more than $ 150 million on shipwreck off the coast of Finland.

A couple living in Northern California, the United States was fortunate to discover a treasure with 8 jars filled with gold coins in their yard.

As a result, they unearthed hundreds of precious artifacts, including coins, and intact gold jewelry. Most artifacts date from the 5th century to the 7th century.