Certainly virtual reality technology will have a bright day, not only in the game industry but also towards other users.
HoloLens virtual reality glasses have been brought to the International Space Station (NASA) by the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA).
NASA is working with Sony to research using virtual reality glasses to train space robots.
PowerVision technology company unveiled an unmanned diving device that can help users watch underwater, increasing efficiency when fishing.
Dreaming of flying in the air will be much more impressive with the help of virtual reality glasses and drones.
The virtual reality application of Google Earth allows users to sign in to any place, fly there in 3D with virtual reality glasses.
This is the clearest proof that VR is used not only for entertainment purposes but also for improving daily life.
There are many people all day long looking for the key because they do not remember where it was. With virtual reality glasses, you will easily find things to forget before.
There are currently two commonly used terms: Virtual Reality (VR) and Enhanced Reality (AR). So what is the nature of both VR and AR technologies and how are they different?
The special VR glasses mentioned above are produced by an American company called Project Nourished.