• The origin of the legend

    The origin of the legend
    The Chinese conceive that a person who suffers a catastrophic death, is not buried, and buried for a long time without rotting may turn into an examination, returning to haunt the
  • The corpse turned on the coffin to go home: Scientist headache

    The corpse turned on the coffin to go home: Scientist headache
    The story of a dead body suddenly stood up, walked back to normal and returned to its home as if it were only in Hollywood horror movies. However, this is true and very familiar
  • Best news aggregation for June 3

    Best news aggregation for June 3
    The truth about phenol, the gate to the underworld, the good time to drink honey, to create fire from the lemon .... is the most viewed news last week.
  • Live corpse syndrome

    Live corpse syndrome
    People with walking coronary syndrome (Cotard syndrome) feel like they are dead, no organs or organs. Influence from the above illusion, patients refuse to take care of the body