Taking poison poisoning: New method to treat obesity

Scientists at the University of Bonn (Germany) have recently discovered a type of protein kinase that regulates the reproduction and function of brown fat cells.

Picture 1 of Taking poison poisoning: New method to treat obesity By activating the signal pathway of protein kinase, scientists have discovered a new way to treat obesity.

Brown fat cells and white fat cells have different roles.

The main function of white fat cells is to store fat, whereas brown fat cells convert fat into heat.

Previous studies suggest that babies born with a lot of brown fat cells are helping to keep them warm, but brown fat cells will fade away with their maturity. people.

The latest research found in the neck area of ​​adults has brown fat reserves, but for those who are too fat, brown fat cells are not flexible, even losing their function completely. Convert fat into heat.

It is the lack of flexibility and imbalance of brown fat cells in adults that causes obesity.

However, if this 'museum of fat release function' is activated, it means that we can find the ideal fat reduction method of 'poison poisoning'.

According to scientists, only about 50g of brown fat cell cells can raise 20% of the ability to consume fat in the human body.