The 30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (2)

Today, with the development of science and technology, many mysteries in the past have been answered by humans.

Today, with the development of science and technology, many mysteries in the past have been answered by humans. However, many times we are too engrossed in exploring new things and forget that there are still many misconceptions that still exist.

>>>30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (1)

After reviewing section I, please continue to look at the rest of the list of 30 things that are completely wrong that many people have considered right now:

16. Lightning does not hit twice in the same place

Lightning can hit twice in the same place. And in some places, like the Empire State Building, can be struck by lightning more than 100 times a year.

17. The habit of lemming mouse

Picture 1 of The 30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (2)

Lemem mice do not commit suicide. During the migration process, some of them may fall into the abyss, especially when they move in an unfamiliar area. But there was no way they would go together to find death.

18. The brain does not produce new cells

We are not born with all the brain cells we have in life. There is evidence that the brain continues to produce new cells in some areas until adulthood, through a process called "neurogenesis".

19. The name of the long-necked dinosaur

Picture 2 of The 30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (2)

A lot of people will call the dinosaur below that Brontosaurus - including Michael Crichton in the Jurassic Park movie - but it's actually called Apatosaurus. This misunderstanding began by two opposition paleontologists during the Bone Wars period 130 years ago.

20. Each gene makes a protein molecule

A gene is not equivalent to a protein molecule. Many genes can produce many corresponding proteins, depending on how the mARN produced from the gene is cut and arranged in the cell nucleus. Even some genes do not produce any protein.

21. Memory of goldfish

Picture 3 of The 30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (2)

Goldfish actually have a good memory. They can remember many things for months, not just for a few seconds as many people often say in their respective idioms.

22. The origin of the HIV virus

HIV virus is probably not transmitted from monkeys to sexually transmitted people, but by hunting monkeys as food leads to blood-borne infection.

23. Eyesight of cats and dogs

Picture 4 of The 30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (2)

Dogs and cats do not look at everything in gray tones. They can also see blue and green. Besides, although there is better vision than people, dogs cannot look directly as well as us.

24. The ability of the brain

People do not "use only 10%" of the brain's ability as we thought, it is just the percentage of brain computing capacity. In contrast, we use the whole brain for different activities at different times. We will not survive if we do not use the remaining 90%.

25. The concept of the flat Earth

Picture 5 of The 30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (2)

During the Middle Ages, almost all schools recognized that the Earth was spherical, not flat. The concept of humanity once suggested that the Flat Earth began in the 1940s by members of the American Historical Association. Even now many people still think . The Earth is flat.

26. Sharks do not have cancer

Sharks can get cancer. Rumors of their inability to get the disease stemmed from I. William Lane, in order to be able to sell shark cartilage as a cure for cancer.

27. Buildings that can be seen from the universe

Picture 6 of The 30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (2)

The Great Wall is not the only human work that can be seen from outer space. Depending on your definition of space, you may or may not see other buildings. And from a distance like the Moon, what we can see from Earth is just light.

28. Save photos with memory

Nobody has anything called "memory capture" - only very good memory. Even people with exceptionally good memories cannot recall things as detailed as a camera.

29. Microwave causes cancer

Picture 7 of The 30 obvious facts are often misunderstood (2)

Microwave radiation cannot cause cancer, it only heats the food. In fact, only a few types of radiation can cause cancer, and it depends on the dose - such as radiation from the Sun. It can cause skin cancer, but a sufficient amount can help our body produce vitamin D.

30. Time to digest gum

Gum does not take up to seven years to fully digest. In fact, we don't digest it, but the body can release it normally after only a few hours.

Update 18 December 2018



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