The ancient Aztec math system was decoded

Not only is the tax code of today complicated. Ancient Aztecs with tax systems are also not simpler. In order to measure taxed land strips, Aztec mathematicians had to develop specialized algebraic methods that were only recently decoded.

By studying the Aztec documents of the state government of Tepetlaoztoc, the two scientists envisioned the complex equations and fractions that local officials used to determine the size of the taxable land. Two ancient laws were written between 1540 and 1544 AD and existed in the Tepetlaoztoc region. They record each household and the number of members; number of land owned and type of land, such as soil, sand, or so-called 'golden soil'.

According to Maria Carmen Jorge y Jorge of the National Autonomous University in Mexico City, Mexico, 'Ancient literature is extremely detailed and rigorous because landowners pay taxes based on the value of their assets. they.' Aztecs only statistics the total area of ​​each plot and its perimeter. Officials calculated each plot of land with a series of five operations, including one that the ancient Sumeria used.

The measure is the body itself . The Aztec arithmetic included fractional symbols such as hearts, hands and arrows that looked unusually under the modern eyes. But with Aztecs, they seem to be closely related to a very familiar object - the human body.

'Take for example the heart symbol. If you stretch your left arm, it will be the distance from the heart to the tip of your finger. If you spread both hands, the hand gap will be the distance between the fingertips. This is completely natural. The body is what you carry everywhere and it's easy to use your body stool as a measure. ' The main unit of measurement can be the distance from the ground to an adult's fingertips when they raise their right hand - ie about 2.5m.

Jorge y Jorge and co-author BJ Williams of Wisconsin-Rock County University presented their findings in Science.

Michael Smith, an Aztec archaeologist and expert at Arizona State University, said: 'I think the work is very clear because it shows that this kind of math and science is quite realistic in orientation. . We already know the ancient societies dominated by religion. It is true that religion is very important but these people are real people and do practical things. With this kind of mathematical taxpayer, they can do the practical things above. '

Picture 1 of The ancient Aztec math system was decoded

A map was drawn in 1540 depicting plots near Texcoco, an ancient Aztec capital.A new study deciphered the symbols used to measure the above plots, including symbols such as hearts, hands and arrows, which carry fractions.(Photo: National Geographic)