The bizarre fish has a beak like a bird, the anus is located in the ... throat

The slimline eel is one of the peculiar species in the animal kingdom when it has a beak like a bird and anus ... located in the throat. This species has a lifespan of about 10 years.

The slimline eel is one of the peculiar species in the animal kingdom when it has a beak like a bird and anus . located in the throat.

Picture 1 of The bizarre fish has a beak like a bird, the anus is located in the ... throat

The slender eel has the scientific name of Nemichthys scolopaceus.Sometimes it is also known as a deep sea duck.

Picture 2 of The bizarre fish has a beak like a bird, the anus is located in the ... throat

The thin eel can be up to 1.5m long.This species has a beak like a bird, small teeth, used to sweep through the water to catch shrimp and crustaceans.

Picture 3 of The bizarre fish has a beak like a bird, the anus is located in the ... throat

This fish is common in India.

Picture 4 of The bizarre fish has a beak like a bird, the anus is located in the ... throat

They have a life expectancy of about 10 years.

Picture 5 of The bizarre fish has a beak like a bird, the anus is located in the ... throat

The slender eel has more vertebrae than any other animal, about 750 vertebrae.

Picture 6 of The bizarre fish has a beak like a bird, the anus is located in the ... throat

A distinctive feature of the slender bill eel is that its anus has moved forward in evolution and is now located on its . throat.

Picture 7 of The bizarre fish has a beak like a bird, the anus is located in the ... throat

The larvae of the thin bill eel are shaped like leaves.

Update 12 November 2019



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