The body test lacks or has enough fiber with corn grain

Swallowing corn kernels without chewing and watching the time the body needs to release them will reveal to you the amount of fiber inside or not.

Fiber is extremely important to the body. It supports weight control to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer. So how do you know your body has enough fiber?

According to Prevention, one of the simple ways to check fiber intake is by using corn grain. First, swallow some corn grain without chewing. Next, see how much time you need to waste them out.If you detect fecal corn after 18 hours or less, you don't need to worry. If you are over 18 hours, you should take fiber immediately.

Picture 1 of The body test lacks or has enough fiber with corn grain
Just by using corn kernels, you can tell if your body is lacking in fiber.(Photo:

In addition, refer to other signs of a lack of fiber warning listed below.

Small, hard stool

Defecation does not mean that you are eating properly. Small, hard stools like pebbles show that the body is lacking in fiber.

Hungry right after a meal

Fiber takes up a lot of space in the digestive system, so it helps you stay full longer. If you feel hungry after eating 1-2 hours, you are more likely to eat too little fiber.

Abdominal bloating

Lack of fiber makes you feel uncomfortable, bloating by fiber helps products of the digestive process move smoothly.

Sleepy after a meal

Eating too full makes your body sleepy. However, if you often feel tired after a meal, you should review your diet. Fiber plays an important role in stabilizing blood sugar . Without absorbing enough fiber, the sugar level skyrocketed and suddenly decreased. As a result, you become slow and sluggish.