The cloud-shaped umbrella itself sprung in the sun

The summer is about to come, in the hot and hot summer season, it will be comfortable to rest under the shade of the shade of canopy. But if you have a cloud to cover the sun, then you will probably see the dream floating with the sky close by.

Dutch designers working at the toer studio have come up with a unique idea of cloud-shaped umbrellas, which can automatically spread out without human impact.

Picture 1 of The cloud-shaped umbrella itself sprung in the sun
When the sun shines, the clouds are autonomous

Designed in the form of an airbag, the canopy of this 'rattan' umbrella is completely different from the frame-like structure of the common parasol. Lightweight, durable nylon fabric can change the shape and surface of water-resistant silicone, used as a cover for 'cloud'. Although there is no frame system to support the bone, but the canopy with aerodynamic curved design, when inflated, also allows the 'cloud' box to withstand the weather when there is wind.

Picture 2 of The cloud-shaped umbrella itself sprung in the sun

Picture 3 of The cloud-shaped umbrella itself sprung in the sun

The 'cloud' box can automatically spread. To do this, designers attach a solar cell to the top of the column of 'cloud' box . When sunlight hits, the solar cell creates an electric current that turns the fan fixed to the top of the box. The airflow fan helps inflate the canopy and extend its full size in about 20 seconds.

Picture 4 of The cloud-shaped umbrella itself sprung in the sun

Picture 5 of The cloud-shaped umbrella itself sprung in the sun
Solar panel, fixed to the canopy head

Science and technology development makes people do not need to work hard hands and feet, but smart devices have to know what to do. The helmet is now no longer entangled, too 'dumb' that has warned users when they . expire, even self-extracting if they know the user is about to need them, similar to those this cloud umbrella. However, a comfortable life makes it easy for people to become lazy because just one head or smirks, smart devices will follow, do not understand until then hands and feet . to do What when only my brain works?