The desk is dirtier than ... the toilet

Where do you focus more dangerous pathogens: desk or toilet? The answer seems too obvious, but ... the correct answer is the desk.

Where do you focus more dangerous pathogens: desk or toilet? The answer seems too obvious, but . the correct answer is the desk.

Picture 1 of The desk is dirtier than ... the toilet

Lunch at the table makes your workplace more dirty than the toilet.

Recent research conducted by Tork Weekly reports that pathogenic bacteria prefer to stay on the desk 400 times more than a conventional public toilet.

Through surveys, more than 47% of office workers had lunch at their desks, only 27% often ate in rooms and shops. Clearly eating on a desk means opening the way for bacteria to enter the body more easily. So it is completely wrong for employers to agree to lunch staff at the office with the desire to improve their performance.

The American Diabetes Association also recommends that people who have a habit of eating on a desk not only have a high risk of bacterial disease but also increase their chances of obesity. We have a tendency to eat innocently while having meals while being dominated by work, reading emails, playing games or using social networks.

Update 18 December 2018



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