The effects and harms of red radish when eating should be noted

This type of plant has an extremely large supply of substances for the body and is very good for health. However, if used incorrectly, red radish can bring unexpected harm.

Benefits and harms of red radish

  1. Characteristics of red radishes
  2. The effect of red beets on health
    1. 1. Providing energy and beneficial nutrients
    2. 2. Protect the health of the cardiovascular system
    3. 3. Control the blood pressure of the body
    4. 4. Improve the immune system
    5. 5. Help the liver stay healthy
    6. 6. Improve the mood better
    7. 7. Support for cancer treatment
    8. 8. Treatment of constipation
    9. 9. Ability to detoxify the body
    10. 10. Help beauty and good for the skin
  3. Harm of red radish if used incorrectly
  4. People should not use red radish

Characteristics of red radishes

Red beets belong to the family of Mustard, similar to white radish but have a different shape. Radish has a round, oval shape and not as long as a white radish.

Beetroot is not only used to make dishes but also to be used as medicine. Because beets contain lots of nutrients capable of healing and preventing disease effectively.

Picture 1 of The effects and harms of red radish when eating should be noted
Red beets contain many nutrients that have the ability to cure and prevent disease effectively.

The effect of red beets on health

1. Providing energy and beneficial nutrients

Beets contain a lot of vitamins A, C, E, group B and vitamin K. In addition, they also contain many important minerals necessary for the body such as potassium, iron, manganese, magnesium, . And this vitamin nourishes the body and helps the body to be healthier, preventing many dangerous diseases.

2. Protect the health of the cardiovascular system

Radish is a good source of anthocyanins that keeps our hearts healthy, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. Plus, they have lots of vitamin C, folic acid and flavonoids that are good for your heart.

3. Control the blood pressure of the body

Beets provide enough potassium for the body, which helps to control your blood pressure, prevent high blood pressure and control blood flow. Radish is also believed to have a cooling effect on the blood.

4. Improve the immune system

Beets have a relatively high content of vitamin C. This is a substance that helps create energy for the body to exercise and helps improve the body's immunity. Using red radish regularly will help destroy harmful free radicals, protect your health.

5. Help the liver stay healthy

The blood pigment betacyanin in red radish helps protect liver cells effectively. Thereby preventing the liver at risk of intoxication, being weakened, preventing the formation of fatty layers in the liver that can easily cause the common fatty liver condition.

6. Improve the mood better

Red beetroot contains a compound called betaine, which promotes the body to produce serotonin which helps to create excitement for the body. Therefore, eating red radish regularly will make you feel more comfortable and in a better mood. Besides betaine is also very good for the human cardiovascular system.

7. Support for cancer treatment

Eating or drinking red radish juice is effective in treating cancer, preventing cancer cells from growing and destroying free radicals that are harmful to the body. That's because red radish contains many powerful antioxidants like beta carotene, betacyanin, . These antioxidants are extremely helpful for the body and for people who are being treated for cancer.

8. Treatment of constipation

The high vitamin content and the abundant fiber in red radish will help treat constipation extremely effectively. In addition, it also helps stabilize your digestive system, helping you eat better.

9. Ability to detoxify the body

Betacyanin in red radish can also help the body detoxify extremely effectively. The toxin will be neutralized and excreted from the body through excretion. Since then the body will be healthier, preventing liver or kidney disease.

10. Help beauty and good for the skin

The high content of vitamin C and E in red radish helps the body produce more collagen that is good for women's skin and hair. In addition, the high amount of folate in red radish helps prevent skin aging.

Picture 2 of The effects and harms of red radish when eating should be noted
Betacyanin in red radish can also help the body detoxify extremely effectively.

Harm of red radish if used incorrectly

  1. Radish can cause red-colored urine, which is especially common in people with iron deficiency.
  2. Beets can increase blood oxalate content if you use too much. Oxalate causes kidney stones and gout.
  3. Eating too much red radish can cause mineral deposits in the body such as iron, potassium, sodium, etc. This is not good for health.
  4. Drinking too much juice from red radish will cause bloating, nausea, and even diarrhea.
  5. Red beets if used in excess can cause a generalized rash, even fever.
  6. Red beets can be used to increase your blood sugar level because of their high glycemic index.
  7. The liver and kidneys can be harmed by overusing red beets because they are rich in copper, iron, magnesium and many different metals.
  8. Red radish juice can cause throat tightness, loss of voice and difficulty speaking. This happens when drinking too much juice.

People should not use red radish

  1. People with low blood pressure should not use red radish because it inherently has the effect of lowering blood pressure.
  2. Pregnant women should not use red beets because the high sodium content of red radishes can affect the fetus.
  3. People who are allergic to turnips in general should not use red beets because they will be allergic, high fever.
  4. People with osteoporosis should not use red radish juice because it will reduce the amount of calcium in the body, thereby making the disease worse.