The erectile dysfunction boy after being scratched by the cat

Men of 23-year-old patients (Belgium) suffer from testicular pain and erectile dysfunction due to infection with a bacterium from cats.

Picture 1 of The erectile dysfunction boy after being scratched by the cat
The infection caused by scratching cats can come from caressing and kissing.(Photo: Shutterstock).

According to Metro, after being scratched by the cat, the boy has fever symptoms, pain in the testicles. He was diagnosed with Bartonella henselae , a bacterium found in cats' mouths and claws. After three weeks of treatment with antibiotics, the patient's health has recovered. "The patient's erectile function has been restored," the doctor said.

The infection caused by the Catch Scratch Disease can come from caressing and kissing the animal. In the United States, about 12,000 people are diagnosed with the disease and have fever, fatigue, headache and swollen lymph nodes.

Women and girls are most vulnerable. The patient has symptoms of fever, acne, headache, swollen lymph nodes. Some people suffer from brain swelling and myocardial infarction. Complications of the disease can be fatal.