The female fairy eats meat

The Nymph, the only galaxy we can see with the naked eye when standing in the northern hemisphere, swells by swallowing the smaller galaxy.

The Nymph, the only galaxy we can see with the naked eye when standing in the northern hemisphere, swells by swallowing the smaller galaxy.

International nomenclature of galaxies Tien Nu is Andromeda . This is a large spiral galaxy with an apparent constellation of the Andromeda located in the northern sky and closest to the Milky Way (about 2.5 million light-years away). We can see the Andromeda galaxy easily with the naked eye in the sky of sparsely populated areas - which are less polluted by dust and light like in cities.

Picture 1 of The female fairy eats meat

Fairy Maiden Galaxy (Photo: NASA)

In recent times, some astronomers have claimed that the Fairy Maiden is a " carnivorous " galaxy. In some previous studies using telescopes, scientists discovered remnants of remnants after its ' parties ' . Stars that move too close to the Maiden will be pulled towards it.

' We found traces of dwarf galaxies that were swallowed up a bit around the Fairy Girl. That is a sign of homosexuality , 'said Alan McConnachie, a scientist at the Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics (Canada).

A few decades ago astronomers knew that galaxies swallowed each other. Many annexations took place very violently and led to the formation of super-large galaxies. But McConnachie's research differs in that the ' meat-eating ' homosexual size of the Fairies is too large.

' Evidence is right before our eyes ,' astrophysicist Mike Irwin of Cambridge University, a member of the research team, told AP.

Picture 2 of The female fairy eats meat

(Photo: Telegraph)

The only victim of Tien Nu is a dwarf galaxy named Triangulum (about 3 billion years old). It has come too close to the Fairy Women and is taken by the stronger ones.

McConnachie said that the Milky Way and the Fairy Lady are getting closer to each other at about 120 km / s. With a distance of 2.5 million light years, they will hit each other for several billion years. That event will rearrange the positions of stars or create a new super-large galaxy.

Update 17 December 2018



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