The first robot to be an actor

A Japanese company has launched a robot capable of acting. It is programmed to read the dialogue and move around the stage.

Picture 1 of The first robot to be an actor

Robot is in talks with an actress in the play. Photo: AFP.

The first robotic actor in the world debuted at Osaka University. This particular work is about a couple who own two robots, one of whom has no motivation to work.

In the play, the robot is tired of complaining that it has to do the chores and monotony, and then it argues with the couple about its role in their lives.

The play has a length of 20 minutes but the author claims it will be longer after it is completed in 2010.

The actor named Wakamaru is a product of Mitsubushi, but the training software for drama was developed at Osaka University.

Many experts say that in the near future, Wakamaru will fan sign or flee the paparazzi.