The garden can change according to the mood of the person

Researchers in the UK have developed a high-tech garden capable of automatically transforming the overall look and feel of detailed parts of users' emotions shown on Twitter.

This is part of a research project that can transform itself to reflect the mood of the people at Lincoln University. According to the research team, the smart garden could contribute to the development of smart buildings that adapt and interact with people in the future.

Picture 1 of The garden can change according to the mood of the person

The garden is made up of steel plates that can automatically react based on user mood information taken from their personal Twitter page. According to the research team, when users tweet about the space around them on twitter with the hashtag #gardenup, a specially designed software will turn human reactions into mechanical movement of the real-world garden. . Then the structure of the garden will constantly change and reorganize in many different ways to suit the mood of the user.

Picture 2 of The garden can change according to the mood of the person

According to Duncan Rowland, a researcher at Lincoln University: "We live in a dynamic flow of information society. Our software is geared towards clarifying the above data and turning it into into things that take place outside reality ". In fact, the garden this time was inspired by a previous study also done by Lincoln University researchers named Digital Capabilities with the aim of finding the ability to apply digital to the garden.

Picture 3 of The garden can change according to the mood of the person

Another researcher and senior lecturer at the University of Lincoln said: "The smart garden opens a promising future with buildings that are capable of self-changing structures in response to each providing our emotions through the information shared in the media and social networks, and future smart buildings can use many different ways to meet the mood of the owner. such as changing colors or facades flexibly, performing interaction with the owner via mobile phone, manually adjusting functions that users do not need to directly issue commands . ".