The inflammation in the eyelid

Eye lashes are shields and shields that protect the eyeball, but are attacked by pathogens. Therefore, local infections and inflammation of eyelids are also varied, from piecing, stinging to blepharitis.

  Picture 1 of The inflammation in the eyelid

(Photo: TTO)

The incidence of blepharitis is quite high but is often overlooked because it does not cause blindness, does not cause death. However, the discomfort that this disease causes, the amount of medicine that patients have to spend is not small. Many people even buy drugs or tell each other to use long-lasting cortizol-containing drugs. Symptoms of disease are reduced but the consequences that it brings are immeasurable: superinfection, bacterial infection, glaucoma due to prolonged cortizol, cataract .

British and American scientists divided inflammatory diseases in the eyelid into four main groups: strabismus, rupture, inflammation of the anterior part of the eyelid (blepharitis), inflammation of the back of the eyelid (inflammation and Meibomius glands)

There are many factors that cause inflammation such as poor hygiene, superinfection of pathogenic bacteria in everyday items (such as handkerchiefs); dust, pollution, using air conditioners, dry eyes, diabetes, psoriasis. Physicians themselves can also contribute to blepharitis for patients when taking hormones such as estrogen, androgen or long-term radiation therapy.

The culprit causing blepharitis is usually staphylococci, fungi or demodex. Staphylococcal eyeliditis often causes flare-up or strabismus, heavier eyelid sores that can cause keratitis in the lower third.


Patients often complain about burning sensation in the eyes, such as sand in the eyes, watery eyes, moderate pain in the eyes and eyelashes, sometimes the patient feels blurred vision, especially in the morning. On clinical examination, red eyelashes, eyelashes around the foot are rich in dirt and scab, along with capillary dilatation along the front of the free margin. The glands of the gland widen and many sebum. There may also be sebum secretions.

Often blepharitis will be associated with conjunctivitis, called conjunctival blepharitis.

Seborrheic seborrheic colitis: It is the name of the disease that reflects its nature. Often a secondary disease on the seborrheic seborrheic dermatitis. Skin lesions: Redness, crusting in the hairline and face area, often preceded by lesions in the eyelid. Favorable factors for developing diseases are cold weather, alcoholism, neurological diseases, stress or AIDS. Progression of blepharitis is often parallel to skin lesions (regression or paroxysmal).

Rosacea: Red caviar causes nuisance to about 10% of the world population, of which 50% have eye symptoms. The triggers for developmental disease can be abnormal temperature (too hot or too cold), light-colored skin, spicy or spicy, hot, beer, alcohol, tobacco . Expressions of Red roe disease is very diverse: inflammation of the eyelid, capillary aneurysm in the lash, multiple recurrence, conjunctival conjunctivitis, sclerosis, neo-corneal artery, vesicles and lash ulcer. Red caviar is often accompanied by Meibomius gland dysfunction.

Eyeliditis due to Meibomius gland dysfunction: The Meibomius gland is an exocrine gland whose holes open to the free margin of the lashes, behind the eyelashes. Its function is to create a lipid layer of tear film, which has anti-evaporation effect on tear film and determines the quality of tear film. Inflammation, infection, and hypersensitivity are factors that can change the quality of tear film and also cause blepharitis.

The main consequence of blepharitis is the dry sensation. The reason is that the tears evaporate too quickly due to the fat layer of poor quality tear film - an inevitable consequence of Meibomius gland dysfunction.

Blepharitis tends to be chronic and accompanied by potential complications and unavoidable. The treatment helps control the situation but is almost impossible to completely cure the disease. Treatment methods include: Personal hygiene, mainly washing hands, using a towel to clean the type once, massage many times a day on the shore, using gloves and hot compresses or using special treatment gel on the lashes with cotton swab. The above measures are mainly to drain the Meibomius line.

Treatment with topical or systemic antibiotics is sometimes useful. The recommended antibiotics are in tetracycline and oxytetracycline groups such as tetracycline fat, posicycline fat and sunfamide group like bacitracine.

Paralytic disease

It is a benign tumor on the lashes. The main incision is the swollen area that appears just above the Meibomius gland block. Clinically, piecing manifests as a small round, red swollen. The position is usually right next to your freedom. There are 3 clinical morphologies: Inside, on the outside and right on the free shore. The progression of piecing can take many forms: nephrotoxicity, eye irritation and forced pus discharge; latex and chemical pressure; rupturing pus or leaking pus from the skin; Self-exclusion.

Whatever process is, piecing can recur. Treatment is usually hot compresses, using antibiotics combined with topical corticosteroids for 7 days. Up to 50% of cases must be resolved by surgical procedures, when pieced together at the "cool" stage - beyond the acute phase.

Stomach disease

That is the phenomenon of acute inflammation of the sebaceous glands around the eyelashes, the cause of staph often. At first, it was only a eyelash and then appeared a swollen, red, painful touch. After a few days, the pain will become painful with yellow pus at the eyelashes. These discomforts will disappear if the pus breaks and escapes with the eyelashes. Treatment is usually by hot compresses, antibiotic fats are combined with corticosteroids in the first 48 hours. Then pus discharge will be considered. In severe cases with strong edema, neighboring lymphadenitis, oral antibiotics are mandatory. To prevent stumbling, there is only one way to clean the mi bank.