The monkey is also ...

Picture 1 of The monkey is also ... After three months of observing the macaque monkeys living on Puerto Rico's Cayo Santiago island, British researchers discovered as well as humans, 'much-talked' female monkeys.

They murmured, murmured, gossiped in monkeys, not to mention the typical cry of a food when there was food or a beast. The results show that female monkeys produce 13 times more friendly sounds than males. In addition, the monks like to spend more time with the 'sisters' than the 'brothers' and often ask their peers to help them. Meanwhile, male monkeys showed no gender discrimination in communication.

According to expert Nathalie Greeno of Roehampton University in London, the results show that a lot of people rely on verbal communication than males due to the need to replicate herds. This is the first time, the gender difference in communication has been recorded in primates.