The more natural the meal, the more nutritious

Natural color foods will make meals more varied, beautiful and more nutritious.

It is not too difficult to prepare a nutritious, healthy meal if you cleverly combine many natural color foods (beans, vegetables, fruits, milk, yogurt, seafood. .). The natural color of food represents many vitamins and nutrients necessary for the human body.


Picture 1 of The more natural the meal, the more nutritious
Natural colorful foods are good for health.

Yellow and orange plants such as carrots, sweet potatoes, papayas, pumpkins, bell peppers, oranges and mangoes . contain a lot of beta carotene - precursors of vitamin A. Besides vegetables and eggs yellow food contains significant amounts of vitamin A.

They help provide a rich source of natural vitamin A to the body, improve eye health, prevent cancer, good for children and the elderly. These vegetables are great for office workers, who often come into contact with computers, making their eyes dry and aching.

Red purple

Picture 2 of The more natural the meal, the more nutritious
Red foods help you stay young and have a healthy heart.

Natural red and purple colors of food are often found in fruits and vegetables. They contain powerful antioxidant compounds such as lycopene and anthocyanin, beautify the skin, prevent skin aging, maintain a healthy heart, and prevent the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Red pomegranates, strawberries, tomatoes, plums, eggplant, beetroot, grapes, purple cabbage . are typical representatives of red and purple vegetables. In particular, red pomegranate is one of the foods that contain the most diverse antioxidant compound.


Picture 3 of The more natural the meal, the more nutritious
Green vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals necessary for the body.

Vegetables such as broccoli, aloe vera, spinach, cabbage, kale, basket ball, fish lettuce . are familiar to many Vietnamese families. Green vegetables contain many essential vitamins and minerals for the body such as lutein, zeaxanthin, calcium, folate, vitamin C, beta carotene . to help the body fight cancer risk, reduce bad cholesterol, support digestive system. brighten eyes.

With a variety of vitamins and minerals and many essential amino acids, aloe vera is also a green food that has many therapeutic and beauty benefits.

White color

Picture 4 of The more natural the meal, the more nutritious
White vegetables contain many flavonoids that protect cell membranes in the human body.

White vegetables like bananas, cauliflower, mushrooms, onions, white radish . contain lots of flavonoids that protect cell membranes in the human body, good for the stomach and colon. Meanwhile, fresh cow's milk, yogurt, rice, fish, tofu . have high nutritional value, rich in vitamins (A, B, D, C, E, K .), minerals (calcium , zinc, magnesium, phosphorus .) and fat are healthy.