The most brainstorming interview questions in America

If you apply to Google, you will have to answer questions like:

If you apply to Google, you'll have to answer things like: "If I give you a million dollars right now, what will you do?".

Picture 1 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"If you can only choose one song to pop up every time you go into a room, from which point of time will you choose?"- Customer strategy analyst at Google

Picture 2 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"How many Big Macs does McDonald sell every year in the US?"- Data science candidate at Facebook

Picture 3 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"If this wall is a brick wall, and you are a brick, where will you be on it? How does this affect the whole wall?"- Market research candidate at Expedia

Picture 4 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

Design a spice rack for the blind "- hardware engineer candidate at Intel

Picture 5 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"How much will you charge to clean all of Seattle's windows?"- Online business candidates at Facebook

Picture 6 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"If you go camping with friends, where will you set up a tent?"- senior financial analyst candidates at Expedia

Picture 7 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"What kind of tree are you?"- Senior technical analyst candidate at Cisco Systems

Picture 8 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"If you want people to miss you because of one sentence, what is that?"- Customer strategic candidate at Google

Picture 9 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"If you're standing in a crowd, what will you do to make yourself stand out?"- Management candidate at Microsoft

Picture 10 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"If I give you a million dollars right now, what will you do?"- Customer strategic candidate at Google

Picture 11 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"How will you design Facebook for the blind?"- Facebook product management candidate

Picture 12 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"Sell me this pen" - a salesperson of Pfizer pharmaceutical company

Picture 13 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"If you were to choose between two superpowers - fly and invisible - which one would you choose?"- Senior product management candidate at Microsoft

Picture 14 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"How to estimate safe distance from shore, in case of tsunami" - management candidate - analysis at eBay

Picture 15 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"At this stage of life, he likes to make money or study" - a software engineer candidate at Google

Picture 16 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"When you were young, what kind of person were you?"- Business administration candidate at Biogen

Picture 17 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"What's your best day in the last 4 years? What's the worst day?"- Project management candidate at Apple

Picture 18 of The most brainstorming interview questions in America

"How do your parents feel about your high school achievement?"- Eli Lilly senior business candidate

Update 18 December 2018



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