The mystery around the terrifying earthquake in Japan

An expert committee of the Japanese government said the magnitude 8.9 earthquake on March 11 in the country may have occurred with many epicenteres, spreading more widely than anticipated. .

Japan's NHK TV reported that an expert committee of the Japanese government has concluded that this earthquake occurred with four epicenter, spread out more widely than anticipated.

According to the above conclusion, 4 epicenter appeared at the same time. The four epicenter areas formed a belt several hundred kilometers long, from the offshore area of ​​Miyagi Prefecture to the area off Ibaraki Prefecture.

Picture 1 of The mystery around the terrifying earthquake in Japan
Desolate scenery was taken from above in the earthquake epicenter of Sendai, Japan

The Japanese government expert committee said geologists did not imagine an earthquake with many epicenteres at the same time.

On the evening of March 11, a press conference of the Earthquake Research Committee was organized by the Honorable Professor Abe Katsuyuki of Tokyo University.

Speaking at the press conference, Mr Abe said the observed data at an observatory using an earthquake-tracking system using the Global Positioning System (GPS) showed that the ground had moved. about 4m to the west.

Meanwhile, speaking to CNN on March 13, Geophysicist of the US Geological Survey (USGS) Kenneth Hudnut said the March 11 earthquake caused Japan's island of Honshu. translate to 2.4m. He also said that the massive tremor of the earthquake was caused by the continental shelf deep in the sea, which caused the Earth's axis to deviate by at least 8cm.

Picture 2 of The mystery around the terrifying earthquake in Japan
An urban area devastated by tsunamis in Japan.

The Deputy Director of the Geography Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Arcady Tishkov blamed the moon and the sun in the terrifying earthquake on March 11 in Japan.

Mr. Arcady Tishkov analyzed on Voice of Russia: First, the earth's seismic cycle is closely related to the sun. The sun emits proton streams, affecting the earth's activity.

Secondly, the moon is now closest to the earth, combined with the influence of the sun that can affect the activity of the oceans , namely the mode of operation of the ocean currents. And then, the Pacific Ocean changed the default mode of the tide, certainly affecting the volcanic chain, known as the Pacific Ring of Fire.