The mystery of black people in Europe

Girin Cave in Western Italy is a very famous cave. Here, archaeologists have ever discovered relics showing the survival of humanity from ancient times. More miraculously when this cave has many archaeological strata, ...

Picture 1 of The mystery of black people in Europe
Girin Cave in Western Italy is a very famous cave. Here, archaeologists have ever discovered relics showing the survival of humanity from ancient times. More miraculously when this cave has many archaeological strata, each archaeological stratum represents a different period of human survival.

The archaeologists analyzed, in the distant prehistoric era, these caves were taken by the ancient people to reside. Currently, the earliest relics excavated here belong to the old Stone Age dating to about 35,000 BC. The unearthed skull was from a Kruma peasant, which was also the original orthodox European. Among the excavated remains, archaeologists were unable to explain when two fossilized prehistoric black remains were discovered. These two sets of fossil remains include an old woman and a buried girl, with a protective plate on her head. Based on the shape of the skull, the bone color texture, the width of the forehead and the length of the arm, archaeologists and anthropologists speculate that these two remains are Nigro races. More precisely, they are black in Africa.

Picture 2 of The mystery of black people in Europe
This discovery surprised the archaeologists. Nigro people often live in the southern Sahara desert in the African continent rather than living in Europe. According to history books, in 1441, Antonio - a Portuguese naval officer arrested a pair of black men and women on the coast of South Africa - Africa brought back to Portugal. Later, Antonio and another fleet arrived in Africa and arrested 10 more black men to bring to Portugal to be sold as slaves. These are the latest records of blacks taken to Europe.

However, these two remains belong to the Old Stone Age, about 40,000 years ago. If Europe had black people then, where did they come from? And how did they come to Europe?

Some people claim that they are native of prehistoric Europe. But why did black people completely lose track of them in Europe later?

Update 18 December 2018



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