The mystery of life after death: There is no heaven, only infinite sadness and darkness

Men and women who have after a serious accident have told of the cold, cold atmosphere of the afterlife.

Far away from being taken to heaven or sitting on the right hand of God, many near-death experiences say that they come with nothing but despair, horror, anger and limitless loneliness.

Reports are not uncommon, but two patients - one who had stopped breathing on the operating table and had near-death experiences after a serious traffic accident - talked about the afterlife in a frightening way.

A Reddit user named r00tdude said he had "died" twice and emphasized those who believed that paradise would surely be disappointed when they saw the truth.

Picture 1 of The mystery of life after death: There is no heaven, only infinite sadness and darkness
No heaven or hell after death?(Artwork: Express).

The first "death" of r00tdude was the result of a motorbike accident. At that time, he died in 2 minutes because "my body stopped working because of pain and physical damage. No breathing and no consciousness." Then the second 'death' of this person It was because of a surgery. "I had to go through a lot of pain after surgery. The pain caused my pulse to drop to about 10bpm and my respiratory system stopped working. '

Based on the two near-death experiences, the account r00tdude writes: 'Where I come is all black, no thoughts, no consciousness, nothing. Both times I see 'nothing', it's all black. I will describe it as when you take a nap, a sleepless dream, you wake up and feel like you have slept for a long time, in fact it is only about 15 minutes. "

Picture 2 of The mystery of life after death: There is no heaven, only infinite sadness and darkness
Many NDErs recounted that life after death was very lonely and sad.(Artwork: Express).

However, many others think that just feeling black can be a temporary memory loss. In response, the account r00tdude affirms firmly: "It is not just a space. Like a dreamless nap, you not only wake up and feel like time has passed so long. I attached something, and that place has nothing. "

Another case of near-death experiences, Emmanuel's account had a more gloomy share on Q&A Quora by declaring: 'No pain, only darkness, vulnerability, extreme fragility and nothing else. That place is not even chaotic or scary. Only extremely sad and empty. But fortunately, after a period of special care, I was able to return to my life. '

Emptiness and coldness seem to be a recurring theme between many people's accounts but it seems that science still cannot accurately explain the space in the afterlife.