According to Epoch Times, science may not be able to prove people with a next life, but at least studies help us determine how many people have experienced the afterlife.

Scientists study people with cardiac arrest, clinical death, then recover. This is the largest study ever on this topic.

The feasibility of the method of resuscitation of clinically dead people has been confirmed. However, the problem lies in whether we should do it or not?

The NDErs recount the vivid memories of the blinding light, feeling the soul leave the body, the serenity, the strange peace or meeting the deceased relatives.

Scientists have found ways to explain what will happen to the human body and mind when approaching death through metaphysics and spirituality, although chemists have a different

Seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is a common image in the face of death, but in fact, people may have other strange experiences.

This ancient book has recorded the feelings of patients when it comes to death.

The survey of Belgian neurologist Steven Laureys and colleagues at Liège University hypothesizes that near-death experience is a state of overwhelming peace. C

Recent research by scientists has shown that people who are living without performing brain function (also known as plant life) are dead.

Perhaps not at least once in my life, most of us have asked ourselves what it would be like to die. How is that feeling?