The new Windows patch caused computer problems

Picture 1 of The new Windows patch caused computer problems A serious bug fix for Microsoft's operating system in the December newsletter has caused some trouble for people who are testing Internet Explorer 7.

Jeremy Dallman, Internet Explorer security project manager, said they received a lot of customer notifications about unusual browser manifestations after installing the latest update. For example, Internet Explorer has an error when opening, the link displays a blank page (blank), or multiple windows will open simultaneously each time the browser is started.

Dallman said that Internet Explorer 7 is still in beta and that problems only occur when it is installed in parallel with Internet Explorer 6. At that time, the beta of the next generation browser will generate a key with the configuration. Standard in the Windows Registry, the core of the operating system stores computer settings. Just delete this key, all problems will be fixed.

Microsoft's December newsletter included a patch for security vulnerabilities in Windows, potentially exploited to attack browser users online, and three other errors.