The old father is easy to die soon

Children of older fathers are twice as likely to die before adulthood than the children of young fathers, a study has revealed.

Research by Danish experts on more than 100,000 children shows that those who have fathers over 45 years of age are half as likely to live as 19 years of age compared to those who have fathers in their late 20s.

The study, one of the largest of its kind, also adds evidence that biological clocks can be a vital factor for both men and women when they have children.

Experts from Aarhus University warned: "The risk of being a father at an advanced age can be very large and people are not always aware of it."

Picture 1 of The old father is easy to die soon

In the UK, 1/10 of babies born are children of fathers over 40 years old.(Photo: Dailymail)

During the 18-year study period, 831 children died and most were in the first year.

The analysis found a clear correlation between the cause of death and the age of the father of the child, in which the children whose father was an adolescent or over 45 years of age had a 88% higher death rate than the child. born when dad was 25-29 years old.

Although the age of the mother and father's social position also play a role in the death of the group of children with adolescent fathers, in the group of children with fathers over 45 years of age, the age of the father is a key factor.

Children with old fathers are at risk of dying mainly because of birth defects such as heart problems.