The miracle of raising children with father's milk

Looking at the baby crying to heart, the man had to hold his baby close to the chest area, with the hope that his warmth could soothe the thirst of milk. Suddenly, the father saw the milk flowing from his own chest. Very weird, but he was happy to shed tears .

When men also produce milk, breastfeed

In October 2002, his wife B. Wijeratne, 38, of Walapanee near Colombo, Sri Lanka died shortly after giving birth to her second daughter. Niansala's first daughter, 18 months old, refused to drink powdered milk. Watching his beloved baby starve to death, he held his breast to breastfeed. At that time, he only wished, the warmth of a father could ease her daughter's thirst for milk. At first, the girl did not "tease" , just froze a few things, she jumped up. The father tried to try every way, every posture to "bear" me. Then, the baby gradually cried and began to scribble his nipples. Mr. B. Wijeratne was more and more surprised when he saw milk coming from his own chest. The case of self-sufficiency 'mother's milk' is rare for Mr. B. Wijeratne to be endorsed by Dr. Kamal Jayasinghe, Deputy Director of a Sri Lankan Government hospital.

In the document 'Abnormal and strange cases of medicine', published in 1896, the authors George Gould and Walter Pyle also listed a number of cases of men feeding their babies with milk. Among them was a South American man. After the wife fell ill, then shrunken at the chest, loved the baby, this man made a miracle - secretion of lactating milk. Their whole family has overcome difficulties and challenges. The baby is sucked in his father's milk, growing day by day, and the wife is gradually getting better.

The explorer David Livingstone also noted the case of a father in Scotland (1858) who secreted breast milk. At that time, in extreme despair when the wife was killed, this man hugged his son tightly to his chest. Surprisingly, this father's chest suddenly had milk.

Picture 1 of The miracle of raising children with father's milk

Michael Thomsen, a 33-year-old writer living in New York, suddenly has a thought: Why can't you help your wife with breastfeeding, which means 'feeding' really? Thinking of doing it, Thomsen decided to stimulate milk production by using tools for women who slow down milk, persistently doing 2-3 hours a day. The idea of ​​this ' paranoid' story will not work. However, miracles have appeared. After more than three months of efforts by 'coercion, coercion' , this man appeared the first drops of milk. The news about this "thrilling" man was quickly known to the media and even the US television station decided to make a documentary about the "research and invention". This unique.

Professor Barry Hewlett, an American anthropologist, after a time of intimacy with the Aka dwarf community in Central Africa (with a population of about 20,000) discovered something very interesting: here , men and women share the responsibility for care and parenting - including breastfeeding. The man is very happy when he stays at home to take care of the children and feed his 'ti' . According to the culture of the Aka community, the woman has the role of taking over the big jobs in the family (such as hunting, setting up a tent), and the man doing housework (cooking, taking care of the children) .

Father's milk: Why not?

The fact that men can produce milk, breast-feeding is real, but very rare, occurs only in some special cases. Currently, experts have made the following 4 hypotheses.

First , the secretion of milk by a man occurs when the motherhood sublimates. The story of lactation and lactation by Mr. B. Wijeratne and Aka man are two typical cases.

After a long time of contacting and studying the Aka culture, especially the motherhood here, with the consent of a father who was incubating his chest, Professor Barry Hewlett took blood samples. of this man and brought back to the US to study. The results showed that the prolactin concentration in the father's blood increased markedly. Next, Professor Barry Hewlett studied more blood samples of Aka fathers who were taking care of their newborns, which also yielded similar results. According to Professor Barry Hewlett and his colleagues, it is the process of stimulating the baby's nipples for a long time, which increases the level of prolactin in the father's blood. Prolactin plays a particularly important role in lactation in humans.

This hypothesis has many similarities with the conclusions of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois (USA) recently pointing out that: Testosterone (Testosterone is a hormone that enhances sexual energy). The body's men and muscles tend to be severely depressed when they have children, especially for fathers who carry and hold their children. Testosterone in men suddenly drops - this leads to prolactin excretion, which triggers the production of milk.

Secondly, regular massage and nipple 'sucking' for a long time (many months) can also cause men to produce milk. In 1978, in 'Breastfeeding: Sweet Gifts,' anthropologist Dana Raphael said that men can also produce milk, because men also have mammary glands and pituitary glands like women. When a baby suckles the breast, impulses a nerve sensation from the breast to the brain, stimulates the anterior pituitary to prolactine , which follows the bloodstream to the breast, causing the cells to produce milk. The case of milk secretion by American writer Michael Thomsen is typical.

Third , most commonly, men produce milk due to the side effects of hormone treatments or men with prostate cancer. Some Western medicines may also increase prolactine hormones. For example, Phenothiazine, antihypertensive drugs (especially Methyldopa), Opioids painkillers (opioid drugs) .

Fourth , due to sudden changes in nutrition. In the article 'Father's Milk' published in Discover magazine, author Jared Diamond, a physiologist and Pulitzer Prize winner, cited a number of cases where survivors were rescued from concentration camps. of Nazi Germany and Japan during World War II. After being free, eating well, endocrine glands recover faster. Therefore, in a short period of time, the hormone produced is not absorbed and becomes excess, leading to milk secretion.

'Hold your baby in your lap to feed your baby, but you still look up with big black eyes. I still sing for you, laugh with me. According to the date, my daughter no longer cried hard for her mother as before. Now in the chest of my father, the girl always cares, feels the love that I have for her. ' - Brother B. Wijeratne shared the sacred emotion of love with the rare drops of milk of the father.