The oldest eel in the world died

People in the coastal town of Brantevik, in southern Sweden have expressed great regret when the oldest eel in the world Ale died at the age of 155.

Picture 1 of The oldest eel in the world died
Photo: Getty

Thomas Kjellman, owner of Ale said, Ale was thrown into a well by a boy in 1859 - the same year as the first oil wells drilled in the US, Big Ben (London, England) clock bells vibrated. The first sound and Charles Dickens introduced the famous book "A Tale of Two Cities".

In Sweden, people often throw eels into wells to help wells avoid flies and other insects.

"It's great that it has lived so long. It has undergone two world wars," Kjellman said.

Kjellman accidentally bought the Ale house in 1962.

"I was surprised when I opened the well and found it in there. It seems to have been there for a long time. Eel usually only lives for about 7 years and this is really too strange."

Ale has unusually large eyes that help it live well in the ball well.