The photovoltaic plant operates around the clock

The £ 260m solar power plant called Germasolar has been officially opened in Europe . Germasolar is designed to work overnight when the sun is off, and the heat storage system is continuous for up to 15 hours so it is sufficient to continue spinning the turbine for energy.

Picture 1 of The photovoltaic plant operates around the clock
The Germasolar Center is a tower with glowing lights

The plant is located in the hottest place in Europe, near the city of Seville, Spain. The Germasolar Center is a tower with brilliant lights, surrounded by a system of 2,600 photovoltaic mirrors. Transparent glass will transfer energy into two huge tanks to melt the salt, boiling water around it will be the driving force for the turbine. Salt for the plant including sodium nitrate and potassium nitrate are always kept in a liquid state. At present, the factory is just beginning to operate and is expected to reach 70% of its design capacity next year.

In renewable energy technology, the power is very popular, but its disadvantage is noise and when there is no wind, the plant runs out of electricity. Thus, Germasolar can be considered superior to wind power.

Picture 2 of The photovoltaic plant operates around the clock
Surrounding is a system of 2,600 mirror solar collectors.

According to the Daily Mail , a second 24/24 hours photovoltaic facility is expected to be built in South Africa.