The secret to helping sisters make men say the truth

In laboratory tests, men who were given genes containing testosterone would be less lying and cheating. That may reveal a way for women to keep their men living honestly.

Testosterone has long been thought to be involved in aggression and hard-to-approach behavior. However, increasing the level of this male hormone does not only seem to help build muscles and increase sexual desire in gentlemen but also makes them more likely to deceive.

Picture 1 of The secret to helping sisters make men say the truth
High levels of testosterone are not only associated with muscle building and behavior
war in men, but also can make gentlemen more honest and reliable.

In a new study, German scientists increased testosterone levels in 46 men by applying their skin to a gene containing this hormone. One more group of 45 men was given a placebo.

Both groups were then asked to participate in a behavioral study, which included playing a simple dice game in a separate chamber. The higher the score the game results the researcher enters into the computer, the more money they receive as a reward.

The Daily Mail page cited neuroscience professor Bernd Weber from Bonn University (Germany) and a member of the research team, said the tests were designed to provide space for participants to have space. lie. He explained: 'Because of the separate playrooms outside, no one knows if the person inside is entering their game results or entering a higher score to trick in getting more money. Of course, the researchers have prepared a plan to determine whether a volunteer has deceived or not. '

Experimental results show that men have higher levels of testosterone with less tricky and deceptive tricks. This may be due to the fact that testosterone has increased the sense of pride and the need to build a positive self-image in men.