The solar wind paralyzes male Chinese contacts

Yesterday, radio communications in southern China fell into paralysis by the strongest solar wind in four years.

Picture 1 of The solar wind paralyzes male Chinese contacts
The flow of particles carries an electrical charge that erupts from the upper part of the sun.

The BBC reported that the US Solar Dynamics Observatory spacecraft detected a very strong ultraviolet radiation from a dark spot on the sun at 1:56 GMT on February 15. On the same day, a huge stream of charged particles from the sun paralyzed radio communications in southern China, the China Meteorological Agency announced.

According to the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA), the solar wind has just landed on Earth under X2.2 level - the highest level in the last 4 years .

' X is the strongest level of the solar wind. At the X-level, solar wind can cause radio signal loss and create long-lasting storms, crippling artificial telecommunications networks, grids and satellites , "NASA announced.

The solar wind is the flow of charged particles released from the upper part of the sun. They carry electrons and protons with high energy levels. The solar wind is classified by levels A, B, C, M and X. Each level behind has a maximum intensity of 10 times its previous level.

Before the powerful spray on February 15, the sun spewed out M and C-level particles of particles. The flow of particles carrying electricity from the sun was flying toward Earth at speeds of up to 900 kilometers per second.

A solar storm caused by the sun in 1973 caused widespread power outages in the province of Quebec and Canada, causing 6 million people to be affected.