The answer is yes. The amount of ultraviolet (UV) radiation decreases slightly in the winter but is still at risk, especially for people with sensitive skin.

Michel de Nostredame, famous as Nostradamus, is a French philosopher, astrologer and prophet since the 16th century.

After more than 50 years, scientists at Boston University have discovered the cause of radar signals being repelled from the Earth's top atmosphere.

People born in the Sun cycle work

American astronomers found the hottest extraterrestrial planet to revolve around a star that has twice the Sun's temperature.

The sun is one

By the Hubble space telescope, scientists at NASA discovered the stratosphere - one of the main layers of the Earth's atmosphere, appearing on a giant, super-hot planetary planet

Large black spots that appear on the Sun 10 times the diameter of the Earth are warned that can cause a strong magnetic storm.

Astronomers are hoping for a cloudy sky over the next three days, because a powerful solar storm will shoot particles towards Earth and create a spectacular aurora.

With extraordinary stamina, many animals are not at risk of destruction by radiation and can continue to grow and develop even in the presence of a nuclear war.