What if comets hit the sun?

The sun is a giant "fireball", so what if a comet hit it?

If comets hit the sun?

In fact, most comets that move near the sun are quickly "evaporated" . So the assumption is that if a comet can hit its head in the sun, what will actually happen? Recently scientists have answered the question.

The fact that comets move closer to the sun is not too strange. Over the past few years, NASA's Solar and Solar Observatory has recorded the occurrence of comets near the sun at a density of 3 or more times per week. Most of these comets evaporate before being able to reach the sun . The reason does not come from corona - the plasma environment that surrounds the sun (also known as coronary rim) that comes from the sun's terrifying heat radiation . These comets are often sublimated into gaseous form and evaporate into space immediately.

Picture 1 of What if comets hit the sun?
Comet Lovejoy image passes through the Sun's coronary ring

But big comets can overcome that. In 2011, a true meteor (comet full of ice) called Lovejoy shocked the world astronomers when it hit and passed through the Sun's corona . . still survived. Although it fits in a hot heat layer of several million degrees Celsius for an hour, it can still survive and continue its journey. In 2014, the comet named ISON did the same thing.

So what if they hit the sun?

In fact, this is unprecedented - or before humanity can record it. According to scientific calculations, in order to penetrate into the lower atmosphere of the Sun, a comet must have a mass of at least 109 kg (a hundred times smaller than comet Lovejoy or ISON). . If it could penetrate the Sun's atmosphere, the Sun's gravity would cause it to travel at speeds of 600km / s. It will then be forced to cause an explosion, emitting ultraviolet radiation and X-rays that we can measure with current technology.

Such an explosion will produce large amounts of heat such as a storm from the Sun or a solar flare . John Brown, head of the Scottish Royal Astronomical Society, said: " It's like a bomb blasted in the sun's atmosphere." The explosion effect can cause spread effects across the Sun's lower atmosphere. Even so, this is still a hypothesis of scientists because we have not recorded such a thing so far.

It is possible for a comet to crash into the Sun , and it could become a global scientific event. Collisions with comets must keep us in mind like the Shoemaker-Levy 9 comet crashing into Jupiter was swallowed up entirely by the planet. Such a collision - if it happens - will be a real disaster for the Earth. Therefore, this possibility is carefully studied to confront it.