Planet is more than 4,000 degrees Celsius in the universe

American astronomers found the hottest extraterrestrial planet to revolve around a star that has twice the Sun's temperature.

The planet, about 2.8 times the mass of Jupiter, the KELT-9b, revolves around a super hot star, International Business Times, reported yesterday. This is both the hottest planet ever discovered, and the only planet orbiting the hottest star found.

At daytime on KELT-9b, temperatures reached 4,327 degrees Celsius, less than 1,200 degrees Celsius in the Sun. "KELT-9b is classified as a mass-based planet, but its atmosphere is hardly the same. Which planetary period we once observed by daytime temperatures , " said astronomer Scott Gaudi of Ohio University, USA, the lead author of the study published in Nature.

Picture 1 of Planet is more than 4,000 degrees Celsius in the universe
Illustration of KELT-9 star and planet KELT-9b.(Photo: NASA).

The star the planet revolves around the name KELT-9, located in the constellation Cygnus 650 light-years from Earth. KELT-9 has a temperature of nearly 9,900 degrees Celsius, in the middle of the two hot star class boundaries. Star A has a temperature of about 7,000 - 9,700 degrees C while star B is hotter.

Very few planets orbit around A or B stars. In the past, researchers have only found 6 planets orbiting stars A and have not discovered any planets around B.

Extremely powerful radiation from KELT-9 can blow the planet's atmosphere around, leaving a trail of gas behind the planet.

"KELT-9 ultraviolet radiation is so strong that it can completely evaporate the planet" , Keivan Stassun at Vanderbilt University, USA, co-authored and shared. "Or if giant gas planets like KELT-9b possess a hard rock core according to some theories, the planet could be heated to the point of being as barren as Mercury."

Besides the large amount of radiation, the KELT-9b is very close to the star. The team concluded that life is unlikely to exist on the planet, because the highest temperature for life can grow on Earth is 122 degrees Celsius. But studying planets like KELT-9b can help. Scientists understand how planetary systems form in extreme conditions.