Most star systems in the universe have two or three stars. However, the Solar System has only one star.

The Rochester Institute of Technology, USA, announced the discovery of a young planet 10 times heavier than Jupiter, only 330 light-years from Earth.

Scientists were surprised to find the solar system nearly 30 light-years from Earth, even though the center is a small red dwarf that still holds the planet in mass in orbit.

American astronomers found the hottest extraterrestrial planet to revolve around a star that has twice the Sun's temperature.

Research by British scientists shows that if it really exists, the 9th planet could cause a terrible chaos for the Solar System once the Sun dies.

Until the Ninth Planet has been discovered (just hypothesis), Uranus (Uranus) is still the planet

The astronomers' new findings point to a giant group of gas extraterrestrials outside the solar system covered by water-storing clouds.

German astronomers have found a planetary system with a solar system-like distribution, with rocky planets on the inside and gas planets on the outside.

On March 23, the Southern European Observatory (ESO) reported that they had found 9