The star flies more than 1,000 km / sec after 'hiding' from the black hole

A group of scientists discovered the star S5-HVS1 flew super fast and escaped from a giant black hole in the center of the Milky Way.

A group of scientists discovered the star S5-HVS1 flew super fast and escaped from a giant black hole in the center of the Milky Way.

Picture 1 of The star flies more than 1,000 km / sec after 'hiding' from the black hole

The star S5-HVS1 flies extremely fast away from the center of the Milky Way.(Photo: arXiv).

International researchers pay attention to the star named S5-HVS1 while exploring interesting Southern Stellar objects Stream Spectroscopic Survey (S5). The star moves at 1,017km / sec. It can complete the distance between New York and Sydney in just 15.7 seconds. The research results were published July 30 in arXiv magazine.

To move at a higher speed than many normal stars, S5-HVS1 is sure to speed up thanks to something. The research team sought to determine the origin of the star and the analysis revealed the possibility that it came from the center of the Milky Way, where the supermassive black hole Sagittarius A * was . If so, maybe S5-HVS1 was shot at 1,800km / sec and slowed down after about 4.8 million years. This is a standard main sequence star, due to the fusion reaction of hydrogen, located 30,000 light-years from Earth.

The researchers say S5-HVS1 is the fastest main sequence star ever discovered. Previously, astronomers found dozens of stars of this type but they rushed out of the galaxy due to other events instead of interacting with Sagittarius A *. If a star in the binary system experiences a supernova explosion, the energy emitted is strong enough to cause the other star to fire out of the Milky Way's flat disk.

Update 03 August 2019



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